My Love Story; My GOD Story

Every time I am challenged and life seems to be so difficult, I always choose to walk away and go through it alone, sad and worried…

HIM: Love…

Me: I want to be alone, please.

I turned my back and continue to walk away.

HIM: Love..

He calls my name and I choose to ignore him. I continue to walk alone, feeling miserable.

HIM: Love..

Me: Please, Just leave me alone.

HIM: No matter how many times you want me to leave you alone, I will always be with you and I will walk with you.

I turned around, look at him and started weeping. My heart was pounding. I cried so hard. Started talking about what I feel and release all my emotions, all the pain, sadness, worries, and fear. He just opens his arms and reaches out for me.

Me: I am sorry.

I ran to him and in his arms I found peace. In his loving arms, I rest and my heart started to feel calm. My worries slowly disappear.

HIM: Let me take charge, You can’t do it alone. I am here for you.

He holds my hand and walks with me. I rest my head on his shoulder and promised that I will never ever walk alone again.

This my LOVE story, This is my GOD story, and it is more romantic than the fairy tale I am always dreaming of.

Some may never understand what I am feeling now, I am not pretending to be someone I am not or claiming to be righteous or religious. It took a while for me to open my heart and accept it but it’s the best decision I ever made. I still feel troubled at times but when I pray and receive his grace, I feel calm.

You won’t believe what I’ve been through recently, but in God I found my strength to face it all and I trust that HE has plans for me.

I just wanted to share this as you might be experiencing challenges that you don’t understand, believe me, the burden that you have now is not meant for you to carry alone.

Seek help, ask and pray. Pray hard. Lift it up to HIM and TRUST his ways and let him take over.

HE will be there for you, always and forever.

My life is not easy and will never be, but trusting GOD provides me comfort and strength to draw from every day.

I feel grateful, as he continues to bless me and allow me to share his goodness to everyone that matters to me. 🙏🏼

Published by lovelylalen

29. OFW. Inked. Writer. Single. Dreamer. Emotera.

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